Redgate Deploy has changed name to Flyway Enterprise

Features overview

ProcessFunctionalitySQL ServerOraclePostgreSQL17 other RDBMS
Version controlObject level history*
Versioned migrations
Migration script auto-generationSchema changes (DDL)*
Static data changes (DML)*
Continuous integration (CI)Build validation
Repeatable deploymentsAutomated script deployment
Drift detection*
Change Report*
On-demand database clonesDatabase virtualizationComing soonComing soon

* Features available in preview only. Find out more on how to join the Early Access Program please sign up here.

The 17 other RDBMS

MySQL, DB2, Aurora MySQL, MariaDB, Percona XtraDB Cluster, Aurora PostgreSQL, Redshift, CockroachDB, SAP HANA, Sybase ASE, Informix, H2, HSQLDB, Derby, Snowflake, SQLite, Firebird